Hello there,
I am a husband, aspiring church leader, techy, student, and artist of sort. I was born in Seattle, Washington, in 1993, and adopted at the age of four, into a family with six sisters and two brothers. Each sibling adopted from different parents with diverse backgrounds.
Not long after graduating from Thomas Jefferson High school, I moved over to the Berkshires and attended a one-year Christian college and graduated with a certificate in Biblical Studies. Soon after, I enrolled as a student at Antioch School of Church Planting and Leadership Development, to pursue a degree in Ministry.
Currently, I serve as a shepherd of a small church in Charlton Massachusetts, called Wayside Church. I am married to a wonderful godly woman and the father of Noelle. These are the following freelancing/hobby work I offer on top of working for an IT company as an IT Specialist to help supplement the ministry work and provide for my family.


